Saturday 15 September 2012

First week

Week one summary for ART405:

Week 01 : introduction for the course and starting in project A.

1-introduction for the course :

The aim of this course is to  make us familiar with the professional practices of designer and artists. 
In this course we will discover our art and design world in terms of how we can create positive impacts to society through our profession. We have five project which are: Mind mapping, (artist CV,biography, statement &intro letter), manual process book, portfolio, and interview.

2-project A (MIND MAPPING):

Type of the project: information mapping(issues+people+projects+impact).

- After doing a research I found :

  • What is MIND MAPPING: Graphical technique for visualizing connections between several ideas or pieces of information. Each idea or fact is written down and then linked by lines or curves to its major or minor (or following or previous) idea or fact, thus creating a web of relationships. Developed by the UK researcher Tony Buzan in his 1972 book 'Use Your Head,' mind mapping is used in note taking, brainstorming, problem solving, and project planning. Like other mapping techniques its purpose is to focus attention, and to capture and frame knowledge to facilitate sharing of ideas and concepts.

    Read more:
  • Mind map steps:
         1-Generate a topic. What will be the focus of your thinking? Your topic should be no more than a few words. By keeping your topic simple, you will be able to understand more aspects of it through the map. A broader topic will give you more with which to work in the future.
         2-Place that topic in the center of the page. Ideally you want to draw this topic, writing the topic in bold letters should only be used for things without a visual form.
         3-Start writing what comes to mind. As you generate thoughts, draw branches from the main topic. Keep it to as few words as possible. As you mind map more, try to continue to narrow the amount of words per branch. Print clearly.

         4-Continue branching. Make more branches off of your main topic. Try to extend your thoughts from one idea to the next. Draw lines between thoughts to create lateral thinking.

        5-As new ideas come forth, draw a different branch from your topic and expand as necessary.

      6-Repeat branching until all your ideas appear on the map.

         7-When you are finished mapping, carefully study the connections that you have made between your thoughts and ideas and try to relate them.


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